Sunday, August 24, 2008


M: Y'know, I'm kinda like Angelina Jolie, except with animals instead of children.

E: What?

M: Yeah, well I have two black kitties that I adopted from a shelter, one white kitty that was a stray off of the street, and one brown puppy that was adopted from a rescue organization. See! I too have a multicultural ethnically diverse family.

E: ...

M: They just have four legs instead of two.

E: ...

M: ...

E: You do know you're crazy right?

M: Well, look who I'm talking to.

E: Touche.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sometimes I talk to myself

Okay, most of the time I talk to myself. But sometimes the conversations are interesting or funny. Like this one today...

M: Somebody stole my soda out of the fridge at work the other day, so today I put a big note on it so no one would take it.

E: What did the note say?

M: It said "This is my soda. If you steal it you will die. It contains a radioactive substance that only I have the antidote for. DO NOT DRINK!!!!!"

E: And did anybody steal it?

M: No silly. It's right here.

E: Oh.

M: I think somebody probably was gonna steal it, but then read the note and thought "She's just that crazy. She might have actually put something in this." and decided not to.

E: If you're really that crazy, then should you be drinking it?

M: Hmmm... good point. I hadn't thought of that.